Museum of Gaming History
   An Educational Project of The Casino Collectibles Association, Inc.
   An IRS approved 501 (c) (3) Tax Exempt Not-For-Profit Organization
ChipGuide - A Catalog of Casino Chips and Collectibles

About the ChipGuide
The ChipGuide website is owned and operated by the Museum of Gaming History, which is a project of the Casino Collectibles Association (CCA). The origin of the website was a printed catalog of Riverboat casino chips, An Illustrated Guide to the Casino Chips of American Riverboats created by CCA Hall of Famer Greg Susong in the 1990's. That catalog eventually became the ChipGuide in 2000 and at first only contained casino chips from Riverboat casinos. The website expanded and had 16,500 chips from Tribal Casinos, Maryland Charity casinos, Nevada $1 chips and some others at the time of Greg's passing in 2009. Greg's wife, Carol, donated the website to the CCA in 2010.

In 2007, with Greg Susong's support, Charles Kaplan created the Caribbean ChipGuide using the style of the ChipGuide, but as a dynamic website using a database. Terry Shaeffer was developing a similar website and the two efforts were merged.

After the ChipGuide was donated to the MoGH, it was completely rewritten using the Caribbean ChipGuide's database. All the chips from the original ChipGuide were migrated into the new website. Additional casino chip websites from England, Canada and the Caribbean were also migrated into the ChipGuide. Many new functions were added. By 2025, there were 332,000 casino collectible items on the ChipGuide that included all types of collectibles from chips and tokens to matchbooks and ashtrays from casinos all over the world. The ChipGuide also includes poker chips that were not used for casino gaming, such as advertising chips, Harley-Davidson chips, brothel chips, personal chips and custom chips made for private home poker games. The ChipGuide Adminstrative staff, led by Albert Scalzo, adds new casinos and collectible items daily. By signing up to the ChipGuide News Service you will receive an daily email that lists all the items added and updated the previous day.

Everyone is invited to submit items for consideration to be added to the ChipGuide. A Submission Form has been set up for this purpose. While browsing the ChipGuide you may notice an IMAGE NEEDED message. This happens when an item is known, but a picture of it is not available. If you have an item whose image is needed, we would very much appreciate your scanning and submitting pictures to the ChipGuide. Submissions are processed in a timely fashion and Contributors are given credit for their submissions. We cannot do it without you.

ChipGuide Features
  • o 332,000 (January, 2025) collectible items in 69 categories, 32,000 casinos
  • o Collectible items are organized by location through drill down maps
  • o Extensive search facilities
  • o User submissions
  • o Reference information about Casino Collectibles
  • o Membership Benefits
    • - Customized profiles to filter search results
    • - Maintain lists of items in your collection, want and trade lists
    • - ChipGuide Daily News Service
    • - Trade Maker – Matches collector want lists to other’s trade lists
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