Museum of Gaming History
   An Educational Project of The Casino Collectibles Association, Inc.
   An IRS approved 501 (c) (3) Tax Exempt Not-For-Profit Organization
ChipGuide - A Catalog of Casino Chips and Collectibles
ChipGuide Usage Policy

Why is There a ChipGuide Usage Policy?
The ChipGuide Usage Policy is provided to protect the ChipGuide. The policy has to be enforced each and every time that there is a violaton. It does not matter if you are a member of the CCA, a member of the ChipGuide or even a Club official, the rules apply to everyone. Enforcement of ChipGuide rights are done uniformly whenever a violation is noticed. Otherwise, the ChipGuide could lose usage of it's images. Your cooperation is appreciated in adhering to the ChipGuide Usage Policy and if you are approached about compliance.

ChipGuide Usage Policy
The Museum of Gaming History has been granted use of the images shown on the ChipGuide by their owners. In some cases, the ChipGuide has modified these images to meet its guidelines. The Museum of Gaming History retains its rights over the image modifications.

Use of any of the ChipGuide contents requires expressed written consent, with these exceptions:

  1. Images and descriptions (but not entire webpages) may be used for non-commercial purposes, such as educational purposes or trade lists, please reference "The Museum of Gaming History's ChipGuide".
  2. Commercial use is prohibited and includes, but is not limited to, sales, auctions and publications.
  3. ChipGuide Numbers (CGxxxxx) may be used to identify items cataloged on the ChipGuide for both personal and commercial use. ChipGuide numbers can be used in publications (including websites) if the source is identified as "The Museum of Gaming History's ChipGuide".
  4. Use of ChipGuide website content is hereby granted to the Casino Chip and Gaming Token Collector's Club (CC&GTCC), The Museum of Gaming History in any and all of their endeavors, including Casino Chip and Token News and their websites.

ChipGuide Submissions
Images and descriptions of items not currently on the ChipGuide may be submitted for consideration to be added to the ChipGuide. The ChipGuide has a submission form for this purpose. Upon submission, permission is granted to the Museum of Gaming History to use the item on the ChipGuide and for other purposes. Submitters must own the images submitted or have permission to submit them. At the discretion of the ChipGuide, submitted items may or may not be used and may be edited to meet ChipGuide guidelines. Submitted items will not be returned. Images, as submitted, belong to the original owner. Image modifications are the property of the ChipGuide.

© Copyright 2009-2025. All rights reserved. Contact: TheMOGH