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Tue Latapie-Flurin
Cauterets, France
Type: Land Based
Status: Closed
Open: 1881-06-25, Close: 1913

Cauterets is a famous spa, much sought after from the mid-19th century. It had on 1875 two casinos: CASINO DES OEUFS, directed by Mr DALIS and THEATRE-CASINO DO PARC, whose director was Claudius. Both had an opera or comedy show every night. Both had ample gardens, with a musique kiosk in the gardens, with musical concerts every afternoon. The Casino du Parc had a CERCLE and a gym, the Casino des Oeufs organized parties for children, twice a week. Both provided everything necessary for the amusement of tourists: gambling rooms, reading rooms, billiards room, chat rooms, special rooms for ladies, etc. From 1881, a third casino, the CASINO CLUB, located on the Boulevard Latapie-Flurin, competes with Casino des Oeufs and replaces the Casino du Parc. In terms of shows it features operas, musical concerts and dances, in addition to the gambling. Casino des Oeufs (casino of Cauterets) remained open, with some intermittencies (wars, etc) until 2013. It appears sometimes designated as Casino Dalis, name derived from its director Mr Dalis. The Casino de Cauterets ( Casino des Oeufs) closed on Sptember 2013 due to bankruptcy. Judiciary settlement on 10.7.2013. we donĀ“t know when Casino Club was closed - there are gambling records in 1913.
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