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ChipGuide - A Catalog of Casino Chips and Collectibles
1 Boulevard de Fleurus
Limoges, France
Type: Other
Status: Closed
Open: 1844, Close: 1933

The largest cercle of Limoges was the CERCLE DE l´UNION, founded on 1844.The number of circle members was limited to one hundred seventy five.The registration cost in the circle was 125F and the anual contribution was 100F . These elevated amounts limits access to members of the cercle to bourgeois and aristocracy. The establishment had four rooms, two dining rooms, a library and a room reserved for "jeux d´argent" ( cash games) .One could play l´ècarté. piquet ,l´imperiale,and the bouilotte. The members also have the opportunity to play billiards. The cercle was established at Place Royale ( nowadays Place de la Republique).Moved in 1878 to 1 Boulevard In 1865 was founded the " Cercle des Jeunes Gens” (Circle of young people) rue Turgot, with statutes almost identical to those of the Cercle l´Union. Known as CERCLE TURGOT, the cercle is composed of young men of good families and employees of city traders. In 1933 the two circles have merged as the Cercle de l´Union et Turgot. The new cercle was settled in the building at 1 Boulevard de Fleurus, that was built in 1878 to host the Cercle de l´Union.
Jetons - Older Currency [QuickView]
CG143109 Obsolete
Added: 2015-05-02
Last Update: 2015-06-02

metallic jeton.32mm

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