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Calle de la Soberania Nacional
Ceuta, Spain
Type: Land Based
Status: Closed
Open: 1906, Close: 1924

The construction of the "Casa of Dragones" ( dragon house –had big dragons in the façade) was commissioned by a former Mayor of Ceuta, and ended in 1905. The following year was completely renovated, including the facades and balconies. The house was rented in the early years to the Casino Africano, which was the first casino with gambling in Ceuta. In 1924 the gambling was banned in Spain, and the casino closed. In 1936 the property passed to the Spanish Falange, which established its headquarters there. In 1946 it was sold to the Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception, that reshaped and turned it into a college, reserving part of it to the residence of the Bishop.
Jetons - Older Currency [QuickView]
CG168317 Obsolete
Denom: ₧1
Added: 2016-08-13
Last Update: 2016-08-13

Metallic jeton. Pictures from " Catálogo de Fichas de Casino Españolas-2015, Juan R.Cayón.

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