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Bausen,Val d´Aran, Spain
Type: Land Based
Status: Closed
Open: 1872

With the ban on gambling in France, the Casino de Luchon, Cercle de Luchon and several other gambling houses were closed down in the baths of Bagneres de Luchon. These spas were very crowded at the time. Opportunistically casinos were installed in isolated places, near the border with Spain (on the Spanish side). The casinos that were very close to Luchon - an hour away on horseback, caleches, breacks, landaus, etc - quickly began to attract the regulars of Luchon and other villages nearby. The first to be installed in 1872 was the Casino du Pont de Roy and the second Casino du Pontillon on August 15, 1874. The latter had a hotel to house travelers and players and a famous restaurant "with an exceptional wine cellar ". In both, roulette was played. According to an announcement of the Casino de Pont du Roy of 1873 the casino had all the games practiced in the German casinos of Baden-Baden and Homburg and still those practiced in the Monaco. Baccarat, trente et quarante ... They were co-owners of the two casinos, Sophrono Sicre du Breilh and Jean-Marie Azémar, French, being the first owner of the Casino de Luchon building and the Cercle de la Presse in Paris, and the second director of the Casino Cercle de Luchon. We do not know the date of its closure (possibly with the reopening of the casinos in France in 1904). The casino was still working in 1922. From newspaper La Dépêche 13 July 1922 “ VAL D´ARAN- CASINO DU PONT DU ROI – A 150 metres de la gare du Pont du Roi, a 32
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Added: 2018-01-04
Last Update: 2018-01-04
Contributed by: Carlos Pascoal

Casino de Pont du Roy Oyez, ... the fantastic adventures of a large number of players who went away, last Sunday, tease roulette at the casino Pont de Roy. It must first you know that blessed valley Luchon is surrounded by a a bunch of little gambling dens that pompously descend from the casino name and, as the posters say, the distractions are the same as they were in Baden and Homburg. Since Spain debated between the Republic and Carlism, these gambling houses have multiplied. Formerly ... the gambling being banned in Spain, as in France ... ..The Val d'Aran belonged to the Carlists and the Carlists having something else to do but to watch the gambling dens, there was a series of blind casinos, only one of which was managed so far to gain the trust of the players. This is the Casino of Port du Roy. While in other places we usually play beans - white beans with roulette and red beans on the thirty and forty - Pont de Roy the party is serious and lively. The big game comes there, to be paid if it wins ... it is the fashion to go from Luchon to Pont du Roy and it is then, all along the road, a real procession of caleches to 4 horses, omnibus, caleches ...... .. From "Le Figaro, 7.31.1874" . Source

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