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2023 - WPTAL is now called WPT League dropping the Amateur moniker
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Issued: 2015
Added: 2023-05-10
Last Update: 2023-05-10
Color: Black/White
Logo: WPTC
Contributed by: A. J. Giametta

WPTAL is now called WPT League dropping the Amateur moniker. The WPT League still hosts a daily schedule of local games at multi- state ventures across the U.S., Canada and New Zealand. Those games offer qualifying tournaments so players can earn a trip to the Big Show. It's free poker that results in great rewards if a players uses both on-line and live events in their local area. In the beginning, each player who registered to play WPTAL received a chip with their national registration number on it. Over time, I personally qualified for three World Championships in Las Vegas through my local venues in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. I finished in 19th Place for the World Championship out of 1,000-plus qualifiers in 2013. Also, WPT Leagues also divided to an international group of venues and League calls that affiliate -- ClubWPT and they play on-line and keep stats to advance from there, players win a seat at a regional casino for a chance to advance. There is a fee charged on a yearly basis to play on-line, even play for cash in some states that allow gambling. This shirt patch was given to the group of finishers in the Sunset Station World Championship when the name was changed to what it is today.

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